Dialysis Facilities in Eau Claire

Locate a convenient dialysis facility in Eau Claire

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is sometimes referred to as a silent killer because it’s a life-threatening condition that many seniors don’t realize they have until it’s too late. As many as 50% of seniors with very low kidney function aren’t aware that anything is wrong, virtually guaranteeing that the condition progresses to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). There is no cure for CKD or ESRD, and patients with ESRD die without a kidney transplant or regular dialysis treatments.

Dialysis entails its own hardships as patients need to schedule their lives around 3-4 exhausting treatments per week, each of which can last several hours. Your elder loved one’s quality of life will be dictated by the dialysis clinic in Eau Claire they choose, and Seasons provides informational resources and local listings to help guide them at no cost. You can review the top local facilities below:

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