The best laundry services in Yakima

Keep your loved one feeling fresh and clean with full service laundry in Yakima

Seniors may not be able to handle household chores like laundry as effectively as they once did. The aging process can compromise an older adult’s physical strength and stamina, a problem considering that the average laundry basket can weigh anywhere from 10-25 pounds. Similarly, it takes a level of fitness to pull clothes out of a washer or dryer that older adults may lack. Some seniors are shy about asking friends and family members for help even if they realize they need it, with many choosing to wear dirty clothes or sleep on soiled linens instead. Of course, living in such unsanitary conditions causes a variety of problems ranging from low self-esteem to the spread of disease.

Full service laundry in Yakima and nearby areas such as Pasco, Richland, and Kennewick gives seniors consistent access to freshly laundered clothes and linens while allowing them to live independently at home. Seasons provides free resources to help you find a fantastic local service.

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