Give your pet the care they deserve with pet services in Santa Barbara

In-home pet care in Santa Barbara benefits both your loved one and their pet

For a senior living alone, a pet can provide much-needed companionship and alleviate feelings of loneliness. The National Institute of Health estimates that at least one out of two senior citizens in the United States owns pets. As we get older and face the effects of aging, though, it becomes considerably more difficult to take care of an animal friend. Cognitive decline is one factor that can make it hard for your older loved one to keep track of their pet’s needs. Physical limitations like reduced mobility can also make it impossible for your senior to care for their pet like before. In cases like those, pet care in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, and San Luis Obispo can step in to fill the gap and take care of your senior’s pet’s needs.

Seasons is here to help caregivers like you find pet care in Santa Barbara for your older loved one. Start by browsing our free listings below.

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