Give your pet the care they deserve with pet services in Missoula

In-home pet care in Missoula benefits both your loved one and their pet

It’s no secret that pets bring plenty of happiness to the lives of older adults. A cute kitty or playful puppy can inject excitement into the home and keep a senior feeling vibrant and energetic. But the benefits of pet ownership can stretch beyond the joys of companionship. For example, dog walking has been associated with fewer chronic health conditions, lower BMI, fewer doctor visits, and fewer ADL limitations.

There’s no doubt that pet ownership offers many benefits, but it can also present challenges for older adults who have trouble taking care of their companion due to mobility or mental limitations. If an older adult can no longer provide quality care, they could risk having to surrender their friend. Seasons understands the heartbreak of this scenario, which is why we offer free Missoula in-home pet care resources you that can explore below:

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